Source code for indra_cogex.client.queries

import json
import logging
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import networkx as nx
from indra.statements import Agent, Evidence, Statement

from .neo4j_client import Neo4jClient, autoclient
from ..representation import Node, Relation, indra_stmts_from_relations, norm_id

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [
    # Summary functions

# BGee

[docs]@autoclient() def get_genes_in_tissue( tissue: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the genes in the given tissue. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. tissue : The tissue to query. Returns ------- : The genes expressed in the given tissue. """ return client.get_sources( tissue, relation="expressed_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_tissues_for_gene( gene: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the tissues the gene is expressed in. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. Returns ------- : The tissues the gene is expressed in. """ return client.get_targets( gene, relation="expressed_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def is_gene_in_tissue( gene: Tuple[str, str], tissue: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the gene is expressed in the given tissue. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. tissue : The tissue to query. Returns ------- : True if the gene is expressed in the given tissue. """ return client.has_relation( gene, tissue, relation="expressed_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
# GO
[docs]@autoclient() def get_go_terms_for_gene( gene: Tuple[str, str], include_indirect: bool = False, *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the GO terms for the given gene. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. include_indirect : If True, also return indirect GO terms. Returns ------- : The GO terms for the given gene. """ go_term_nodes = client.get_targets(gene, relation="associated_with") if not include_indirect: return go_term_nodes go_terms = {gtn.grounding(): gtn for gtn in go_term_nodes} for go_term_node in go_term_nodes: go_child_terms = client.get_successors( go_term_node.grounding(), relations=["isa"], source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", ) for term in go_child_terms: go_terms[term.grounding()] = term return list(go_terms.values())
[docs]@autoclient() def get_genes_for_go_term( go_term: Tuple[str, str], include_indirect: bool = False, *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the genes associated with the given GO term. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. go_term : The GO term to query. Example: ``("GO", "GO:0006915")`` include_indirect : Should ontological children of the given GO term be queried as well? Defaults to False. Returns ------- : The genes associated with the given GO term. """ go_children = ( get_ontology_child_terms(go_term, client=client) if include_indirect else [] ) gene_nodes = {} for term in [go_term] + go_children: genes = client.get_sources( term, relation="associated_with", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", ) for gene in genes: gene_nodes[gene.grounding()] = gene return list(gene_nodes.values())
[docs]@autoclient() def is_go_term_for_gene( gene: Tuple[str, str], go_term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the given GO term is associated with the given gene. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. go_term : The GO term to query. Returns ------- : True if the given GO term is associated with the given gene. """ return client.has_relation( gene, go_term, relation="associated_with", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
# Trials
[docs]@autoclient() def get_trials_for_drug( drug: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the trials for the given drug. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drug : The drug to query. Returns ------- : The trials for the given drug. """ return client.get_targets( drug, relation="tested_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="ClinicalTrial", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_trials_for_disease( disease: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the trials for the given disease. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. disease : The disease to query. Returns ------- : The trials for the given disease. """ return client.get_targets( disease, relation="has_trial", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="ClinicalTrial", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_drugs_for_trial( trial: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the drugs for the given trial. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. trial : The trial to query. Returns ------- : The drugs for the given trial. """ return client.get_sources( trial, relation="tested_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="ClinicalTrial", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_diseases_for_trial( trial: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the diseases for the given trial. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. trial : The trial to query. Returns ------- : The diseases for the given trial. """ return client.get_sources( trial, relation="has_trial", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="ClinicalTrial", )
# Pathways
[docs]@autoclient() def get_pathways_for_gene( gene: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the pathways for the given gene. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. Returns ------- : The pathways for the given gene. """ return client.get_sources( gene, relation="haspart", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_shared_pathways_for_genes( genes: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the shared pathways for the given list of genes. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. genes : The list of genes to query. Returns ------- : The pathways for the given gene. """ return client.get_common_sources( genes, relation="haspart", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_genes_for_pathway( pathway: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the genes for the given pathway. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. pathway : The pathway to query. Returns ------- : The genes for the given pathway. """ return client.get_targets( pathway, relation="haspart", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def is_gene_in_pathway( gene: Tuple[str, str], pathway: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the gene is in the given pathway. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. pathway : The pathway to query. Returns ------- : True if the gene is in the given pathway. """ return client.has_relation( pathway, gene, relation="haspart", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
# Side effects
[docs]@autoclient() def get_side_effects_for_drug( drug: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the side effects for the given drug. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drug : The drug to query. Returns ------- : The side effects for the given drug. """ return client.get_targets( drug, relation="has_side_effect", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_drugs_for_side_effect( side_effect: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the drugs for the given side effect. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. side_effect : The side effect to query. Returns ------- : The drugs for the given side effect. """ return client.get_sources( side_effect, relation="has_side_effect", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def is_side_effect_for_drug( drug: Tuple[str, str], side_effect: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the given side effect is associated with the given drug. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drug : The drug to query. side_effect : The side effect to query. Returns ------- : True if the given side effect is associated with the given drug. """ return client.has_relation( drug, side_effect, relation="has_side_effect", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
# Ontology
[docs]@autoclient() def get_ontology_child_terms( term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the child terms of the given term. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. term : The term to query. Returns ------- : The child terms of the given term. """ return client.get_predecessors( term, relations={"isa", "partof"}, source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_ontology_parent_terms( term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the parent terms of the given term. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. term : The term to query. Returns ------- : The parent terms of the given term. """ return client.get_successors( term, relations={"isa", "partof"}, source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def isa_or_partof( term: Tuple[str, str], parent: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the given term is a child of the given parent. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. term : The term to query. parent : The parent to query. Returns ------- : True if the given term is a child term of the given parent. """ term_parents = get_ontology_parent_terms(term, client=client) return any(parent == parent_term.grounding() for parent_term in term_parents)
[docs]@autoclient() def get_pmids_for_mesh( mesh_term: Tuple[str, str], include_child_terms: bool = True, *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the PubMed IDs for the given MESH term. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. mesh_term : The MESH term to query. include_child_terms : If True, also match against the child MESH terms of the given MESH term. Returns ------- : The PubMed IDs for the given MESH term and, optionally, its child terms. """ if mesh_term[0] != "MESH": raise ValueError("Expected MESH term, got %s" % str(mesh_term)) norm_mesh = norm_id(*mesh_term) # NOTE: we could use get_ontology_child_terms() here, but it's ~20 times # slower for this specific query, so we do an optimized query that is # basically equivalent instead. if include_child_terms: child_terms = _get_mesh_child_terms(mesh_term, client=client) else: child_terms = set() query_param = {} if child_terms: mesh_terms = {norm_mesh} | child_terms query = ( """MATCH (k:Publication)-[:annotated_with]->(b:BioEntity) WHERE IN $mesh_terms RETURN DISTINCT k""" ) query_param["mesh_terms"] = mesh_terms else: query = ( 'MATCH (k:Publication)-[:annotated_with]->' '(b:BioEntity {id: $mesh_term}) RETURN k' ) query_param["mesh_term"] = norm_mesh return client.query_nodes(query, **query_param)
[docs]@autoclient() def get_mesh_ids_for_pmid( pmid_term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Node]: """Return the MESH terms for the given PubMed ID. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. pmid_term : The PubMed ID to query. Returns ------- : The MESH terms for the given PubMed ID. """ if pmid_term[0] != "PUBMED": raise ValueError("Expected PUBMED term, got %s" % str(pmid_term)) return client.get_targets( source=pmid_term, relation="annotated_with", source_type="Publication", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_evidences_for_mesh( mesh_term: Tuple[str, str], include_child_terms: bool = True, *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Dict[int, List[Evidence]]: """Return the evidence objects for the given MESH term. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. mesh_term : The MESH ID to query. include_child_terms : If True, also match against the child MESH terms of the given MESH ID Returns ------- : The evidence objects for the given MESH ID grouped into a dict by statement hash. """ if mesh_term[0] != "MESH": raise ValueError("Expected MESH term, got %s" % str(mesh_term)) norm_mesh = norm_id(*mesh_term) if include_child_terms: child_terms = _get_mesh_child_terms(mesh_term, client=client) else: child_terms = set() query_params = {} if child_terms: match_terms = {norm_mesh} | child_terms where_clause = "WHERE IN $mesh_terms" single_mesh_match = "" query_params["mesh_terms"] = match_terms else: single_mesh_match = ' {id: $mesh_id}' where_clause = "" query_params["mesh_id"] = norm_mesh query = """MATCH (e:Evidence)-[:has_citation]->(:Publication)-[:annotated_with]->(b:BioEntity%s) %s RETURN e.stmt_hash, e.evidence""" % ( single_mesh_match, where_clause, ) return _get_ev_dict_from_hash_ev_query( client.query_tx(query, **query_params), remove_medscan=True )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_evidences_for_stmt_hash( stmt_hash: int, *, client: Neo4jClient, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: int = 0, remove_medscan: bool = True, ) -> Iterable[Evidence]: """Return the matching evidence objects for the given statement hash. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. stmt_hash : The statement hash to query, accepts both string and integer. limit : The maximum number of results to return. offset : The number of results to skip before returning the first result. remove_medscan : If True, remove the MedScan evidence from the results. Returns ------- : The evidence objects for the given statement hash. """ remove_medscan = True # Always remove medscan for now query_params = {"stmt_hash": stmt_hash} if remove_medscan: where_clause = "WHERE n.source_api <> $source_api\n" query_params["source_api"] = "medscan" else: where_clause = "" query = ( """MATCH (n:Evidence {stmt_hash: $stmt_hash}) %sRETURN n.evidence""" % where_clause ) # Add limit and offset if offset > 0 or limit is not None: # Order by the node internal ID to ensure that results are returned # in a persistent order. Do NOT expose the internal ID to the # user as the id is not guaranteed to be persistent when nodes are # added or removed. query += "\nORDER BY id(n)" if offset > 0: query += "\nSKIP %d" % offset if limit is not None and limit > 0: query += "\nLIMIT %d" % limit ev_jsons = [json.loads(r) for r in client.query_tx(query, squeeze=True, **query_params)] return _filter_out_medscan_evidence(ev_list=ev_jsons, remove_medscan=True)
[docs]@autoclient() def get_evidences_for_stmt_hashes( stmt_hashes: Iterable[int], *, client: Neo4jClient, limit: Optional[str] = None, remove_medscan: bool = True, ) -> Dict[int, List[Evidence]]: """Return the matching evidence objects for the given statement hashes. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. stmt_hashes : The statement hashes to query, accepts integers and strings. limit: The optional maximum number of evidences returned for each statement hash remove_medscan : If True, remove the MedScan evidence from the results. Returns ------- : A mapping of stmt hash to a list of evidence objects for the given statement hashes. """ limit_box = "" if limit is None else f"[..{limit}]" query = f"""\ MATCH (n:Evidence) WHERE n.stmt_hash IN $stmt_hashes AND n.source_api <> $source_api RETURN n.stmt_hash, collect(n.evidence){limit_box} """ result = client.query_tx( query, stmt_hashes=stmt_hashes, source_api="medscan" ) return { stmt_hash: _filter_out_medscan_evidence( (json.loads(evidence_str) for evidence_str in evidences), remove_medscan=remove_medscan, ) for stmt_hash, evidences in result }
[docs]@autoclient() def get_stmts_for_paper( paper_term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient, **kwargs ) -> List[Statement]: """Return the statements with evidence from the given PubMed ID. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. paper_term : The term to query. Can be a PubMed ID, PMC id, TRID, or DOI Returns ------- : The statements for the given PubMed ID. """ # Todo: Investigate if it's possible to do this in one query like # MATCH (e:Evidence)-[:has_citation]->(:Publication {id: "pubmed:14898026"}) # MATCH (:BioEntity)-[r:indra_rel {stmt_hash: e.stmt_hash}]->(:BioEntity) # RETURN r, e # Todo: Add filters: e.g. belief cutoff, sources, db supported only, # stmt type if paper_term[0].lower() in {"pmid", "pubmed"}: parameter = norm_id(*paper_term) publication_props = "{id: $parameter}" elif paper_term[0].lower() == "doi": parameter = paper_term[1] publication_props = "{doi: $parameter}" elif paper_term[0].lower() in {"pmc", "pmcid"}: parameter = paper_term[1] publication_props = "{pmcid: $parameter}" elif paper_term[0].lower() == "trid": parameter = paper_term[1] publication_props = "{trid: $parameter}" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid prefix for publication lookup: {paper_term[0]}") hash_query = f"""\ MATCH (e:Evidence)-[:has_citation]->(:Publication {publication_props}) RETURN e.stmt_hash, e.evidence """ result = client.query_tx(hash_query, parameter=parameter) return _run(client=client, result=result, **kwargs)
[docs]@autoclient() def get_stmts_for_pubmeds( pubmeds: List[Union[str, int]], *, client: Neo4jClient, **kwargs ) -> List[Statement]: """Return the statements with evidence from the given PubMed ID. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. pubmeds : The PMIDs to query Returns ------- : The statements for the given PubMed identifiers. Example ------- .. code-block:: from indra_cogex.client.queries import get_stmts_for_pubmeds pubmeds = [20861832, 19503834] stmts = get_stmts_for_pubmeds(pubmeds) """ pubmeds = sorted(f"pubmed:{pubmed}" for pubmed in pubmeds) hash_query = f"""\ MATCH (e:Evidence)-[:has_citation]->(p:Publication) WHERE IN {repr(pubmeds)} RETURN e.stmt_hash, e.evidence """ result = client.query_tx(hash_query) return _run(client=client, result=result, **kwargs)
def _run(client, result, **kwargs) -> List[Statement]: evidence_map = _get_ev_dict_from_hash_ev_query(result, remove_medscan=True) stmt_hashes = set(evidence_map.keys()) return get_stmts_for_stmt_hashes( stmt_hashes, evidence_map=evidence_map, client=client, **kwargs )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_stmts_for_mesh( mesh_term: Tuple[str, str], include_child_terms: bool = True, *, client: Neo4jClient, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[Statement]: """Return the statements with evidence for the given MESH ID. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. mesh_term : The MESH ID to query. include_child_terms : If True, also match against the children of the given MESH ID. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to forward to :func:`get_stmts_for_stmt_hashes` Returns ------- : The statements for the given MESH ID. """ evidence_map = get_evidences_for_mesh(mesh_term, include_child_terms, client=client) hashes = list(evidence_map.keys()) return get_stmts_for_stmt_hashes( hashes, evidence_map=evidence_map, client=client, **kwargs, )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_stmts_meta_for_stmt_hashes( stmt_hashes: Iterable[int], *, client: Neo4jClient, ) -> Iterable[Relation]: """Return the metadata and statements for a given list of hashes Parameters ---------- stmt_hashes : The list of statement hashes to query. client : The Neo4j client. Returns ------- : A dict of statements with their metadata """ stmt_hashes_str = ",".join(str(h) for h in stmt_hashes) query = dedent( f""" MATCH p=(:BioEntity)-[r:indra_rel]->(:BioEntity) WHERE r.stmt_hash IN [{stmt_hashes_str}] RETURN p""" ) result = client.query_tx(query) return [client.neo4j_to_relation(r[0]) for r in result]
[docs]@autoclient() def get_stmts_for_stmt_hashes( stmt_hashes: Iterable[int], *, evidence_map: Optional[Dict[int, List[Evidence]]] = None, client: Neo4jClient, evidence_limit: Optional[int] = None, return_evidence_counts: bool = False, subject_prefix: Optional[str] = None, object_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[List[Statement], Tuple[List[Statement], Mapping[int, int]]]: """Return the statements for the given statement hashes. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. stmt_hashes : The statement hashes to query. evidence_map : Optionally provide a mapping of stmt hash to a list of evidence objects evidence_limit: An optional maximum number of evidences to return Returns ------- : The statements for the given statement hashes. """ query_params = {"stmt_hashes": list(stmt_hashes)} if subject_prefix: subject_constraint = f"AND STARTS WITH $subject_prefix" query_params["subject_prefix"] = subject_prefix else: subject_constraint = "" if object_prefix: object_constraint = f"AND STARTS WITH $object_prefix" query_params["object_prefix"] = object_prefix else: object_constraint = "" stmts_query = f"""\ MATCH p=(a:BioEntity)-[r:indra_rel]->(b:BioEntity) WHERE r.stmt_hash IN $stmt_hashes {subject_constraint} {object_constraint} RETURN p """"Getting statements for {len(stmt_hashes)} hashes") rels = client.query_relations(stmts_query, **query_params) stmts = indra_stmts_from_relations(rels) if evidence_limit == 1: rv = stmts else: rv = enrich_statements( stmts, client=client, evidence_map=evidence_map, evidence_limit=evidence_limit, ) if not return_evidence_counts: return rv evidence_counts = { stmt.get_hash():["evidence_count"] for rel, stmt in zip(rels, stmts) } return rv, evidence_counts
@autoclient() def enrich_statements( stmts: Sequence[Statement], *, client: Neo4jClient, evidence_map: Optional[Dict[int, List[Evidence]]] = None, evidence_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Statement]: """Add additional evidence to the statements using the evidence graph.""" # If the evidence_map is provided, check if it covers all the hashes # and if not, query for the evidence objects evidence_map: Dict[int, List[Evidence]] = evidence_map or {} missing_stmt_hashes: List[int] = sorted( {stmt.get_hash() for stmt in stmts}.difference(evidence_map) ) # Get the evidence objects for the given statement hashes if missing_stmt_hashes:"looking up evidence for {len(missing_stmt_hashes)} statements") start_time = time.time() missing_evidences = get_evidences_for_stmt_hashes( missing_stmt_hashes, client=client, limit=evidence_limit, ) evidence_count = sum(len(v) for v in missing_evidences.values()) f"got {evidence_count} evidences in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds" ) evidence_map.update(missing_evidences) logger.debug(f"Adding the evidence objects to {len(stmts)} statements") # if no result, keep the original statement evidence for stmt in stmts: stmt_hash = stmt.get_hash() ev_list: List[Evidence] = evidence_map.get(stmt_hash) if ev_list: stmt.evidence = ev_list else: logger.warning( f"No evidence for stmt hash {stmt_hash}, keeping sample evidence" ) return stmts @autoclient() def _get_mesh_child_terms( mesh_term: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Set[str]: """Return the children of the given MESH ID. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. mesh_term : The MESH ID to query. Returns ------- : The children of the given MESH ID using the ID standard internal to the graph. """ meshid_norm = norm_id(*mesh_term) # todo: figure out why [:isa|partof*1..] is ~170x faster than [:isa*1..] # for the query below query = ( """ MATCH (c:BioEntity)-[:isa|partof*1..]->(:BioEntity {id: $mesh_id}) RETURN DISTINCT """ ) return set(client.query_tx(query, squeeze=True, mesh_id=meshid_norm))
[docs]@autoclient(cache=True) def get_node_counter(*, client: Neo4jClient) -> Counter: """Get a count of each entity type. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. Returns ------- : A Counter of the entity types. .. warning:: This code assumes all nodes only have one label, as in ``label[0]`` """ return Counter( { label: client.query_tx(f"MATCH (n:{label}) RETURN count(*)", squeeze=True)[ 0 ] for label in client.query_tx("call db.labels();", squeeze=True) } )
@autoclient(cache=True) def get_prefix_counter(*, client: Neo4jClient) -> Counter: """Count node prefixes.""" cypher = ( """MATCH (n) WITH split(, ":")[0] as prefix RETURN prefix, count(prefix)""" ) return Counter(dict(client.query_tx(cypher)))
[docs]@autoclient(cache=True) def get_edge_counter(*, client: Neo4jClient) -> Counter: """Get a count of each edge type.""" return Counter( { relation: client.query_tx( f"MATCH ()-[r:{relation}]->() RETURN count(*)", squeeze=True )[0] for relation in client.query_tx( "call db.relationshipTypes();", squeeze=True ) } )
[docs]@autoclient(cache=True) def get_schema_graph(*, client: Neo4jClient) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Get a NetworkX graph reflecting the schema of the Neo4j graph. Generate a PDF diagram (works with PNG and SVG too) with the following:: >>> from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph >>> client = ... >>> graph = get_schema_graph(client=client) >>> to_agraph(graph).draw("~/Desktop/cogex_schema.pdf", prog="dot") """ query = "call db.schema.visualization();" schema_nodes, schema_relationships = client.query_tx(query)[0] graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() for node in schema_nodes: graph.add_node(node._id, label=node["name"]) for edge in schema_relationships: graph.add_edge( edge.start_node._id, edge.end_node._id, id=edge._id, label=edge.type, ) return graph
[docs]@autoclient() def is_gene_mutated( gene: Tuple[str, str], cell_line: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the gene is mutated in the given cell line. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. gene : The gene to query. cell_line : The cell line to query. Returns ------- : True if the gene is mutated in the given cell line. """ return client.has_relation( gene, cell_line, relation="mutated_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
[docs]@autoclient() def get_mutated_genes(cell_line: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient) -> List[Node]: """Return the list of genes that are mutated in a given cell line. Parameters client: The Neo4j client. cell_line : The cell line to query. Returns ------- : The list of genes that are mutated in the given cell line. """ return client.get_sources( target=cell_line, relation="mutated_in", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity", )
# Indra DB
[docs]@autoclient() def get_drugs_for_target( target: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Agent]: """Return the drugs targeting the given protein. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. target : The target to query. Returns ------- : The drugs targeting the given protein. """ rels = client.get_source_relations( target, "indra_rel", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity" ) drug_rels = [rel for rel in rels if _is_drug_relation(rel)] drug_nodes = [ _get_node_from_stmt_relation(rel, "source", "subj") for rel in drug_rels ] return drug_nodes
[docs]@autoclient() def get_drugs_for_targets( targets: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Mapping[str, Iterable[Agent]]: """Return the drugs targeting each of the given targets. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. targets : The targets to query. Returns ------- : A mapping of targets to the drugs targeting each of the given targets. """ rels = client.get_source_relations_for_targets( targets, "indra_rel", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity" ) drug_nodes = { norm_id(*target): [ _get_node_from_stmt_relation(rel, "source", "subj") for rel in target_rels if _is_drug_relation(rel) ] for target, target_rels in rels.items() } return drug_nodes
[docs]@autoclient() def get_targets_for_drug( drug: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Iterable[Agent]: """Return the proteins targeted by the given drug. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drug : The drug to query. Returns ------- : The proteins targeted by the given drug. """ rels = client.get_target_relations( drug, "indra_rel", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity" ) target_rels = [rel for rel in rels if _is_drug_relation(rel)] target_nodes = [ _get_node_from_stmt_relation(rel, "target", "obj") for rel in target_rels ] return target_nodes
[docs]@autoclient() def get_targets_for_drugs( drugs: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> Mapping[str, Iterable[Agent]]: """Return the proteins targeted by each of the given drugs Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drugs : A list of drugs to get the targets for. Returns ------- : A mapping from each drug to the proteins targeted by that drug. """ rels = client.get_target_relations_for_sources( drugs, "indra_rel", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity" ) target_nodes = { norm_id(*drug): [ _get_node_from_stmt_relation(rel, "target", "obj") for rel in drug_rels if _is_drug_relation(rel) ] for drug, drug_rels in rels.items() } return target_nodes
[docs]@autoclient() def is_drug_target( drug: Tuple[str, str], target: Tuple[str, str], *, client: Neo4jClient ) -> bool: """Return True if the drug targets the given protein. Parameters ---------- client : The Neo4j client. drug : The drug to query. target : The target to query. Returns ------- : True if the drug targets the given protein. """ rels = client.get_relations( drug, target, "indra_rel", source_type="BioEntity", target_type="BioEntity" ) return any(_is_drug_relation(rel) for rel in rels)
def _get_ev_dict_from_hash_ev_query( result: Optional[Iterable[List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, remove_medscan: bool = True, ) -> Dict[int, List[Evidence]]: """Assumes `result` is an Iterable of pairs of [hash, evidence_json]""" if result is None: logger.warning("No result for hash, Evidence query, returning empty dict") return {} ev_dict = defaultdict(list) for stmt_hash, ev_json_str in result: ev_json = json.loads(ev_json_str) if remove_medscan and ev_json["source_api"] == "medscan": continue ev_dict[stmt_hash].append(Evidence._from_json(ev_json)) return dict(ev_dict) def _is_drug_relation(rel: Relation) -> bool: """Return True if the relation is a drug-target relation.""" return["stmt_type"] == "Inhibition" and "tas" in["source_counts"] def _get_node_from_stmt_relation( rel: Relation, node_role: str, agent_role: str ) -> Node: """Return the node from the given relation.""" node_ns = getattr(rel, f"{node_role}_ns") node_id = getattr(rel, f"{node_role}_id") stmt_json = json.loads(["stmt_json"]) name = stmt_json[agent_role]["name"] return Node(node_ns, node_id, ["BioEntity"], dict(name=name)) def _filter_out_medscan_evidence( ev_list: Iterable[Dict[str, Dict]], remove_medscan: bool = True ) -> List[Evidence]: """Filter out Evidence JSONs containing evidence from medscan.""" return [ Evidence._from_json(ev) for ev in ev_list if not (remove_medscan and ev["source_api"] == "medscan") ] if __name__ == "__main__": print(get_prefix_counter()) print(get_node_counter()) print(get_edge_counter())